how 2023 looked like - the good & the bad

What an extraordinary year it has been! Numerous events unfolded, from departing London and immersing myself in Asia to embarking on a PhD journey. Venturing into Asia had long been a cherished dream of mine, delving into unfamiliar countries and cultures. And I turned that dream into reality. It still amazes me to reflect on the fact that I've visited numerous countries, encountered remarkable individuals, and deepened my understanding of Eastern philosophies.

The beginning of my adventure took place in Thailand. I was engaged in a remarkable wellness center, assisting them in the development of a new program. The diverse healing methods, including reiki and Chinese medicine, proved immensely beneficial to numerous clients. Witnessing their growth, establishing connections with them, and delving into their world was genuinely unique. This particular experience and location hold a truly spiritual and enchanting essence, offering a wealth of valuable experiences.

I also had the chance to explore Bali, and it was there that my passion for crossfit began to blossom. The combination of Bali's inspiring surroundings and the thriving fitness community sparked a profound interest in me. It wasn't just a physical endeavour; it became a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Immersing myself in the crossfit scene in Bali allowed me not only to enhance my physical fitness but also to connect with like-minded individuals who shared a dedication to health and wellbeing. The experience transcended the boundaries of a mere workout routine; it became a transformative journey that added a vibrant and fulfilling dimension to my time in Bali. But not to forget- my visit of meeting with a shaman was genuinely exceptional.

I've had the opportunity to explore other countries such as Singapore and the Maldives as well. However, I want to be transparent and not portray an overly optimistic picture where everything appears flawless. While my adventures in Asia were undeniably unique, and I'm immensely thankful for the experience, there were moments that proved to be exceptionally challenging—navigating feelings of loneliness, grappling with homesickness, and dealing with the complexities of long-distance situations.

In 2023, I embarked on extensive travels, covering both Europe and Asia. The highlight was undoubtedly the heart-warming reunion with my family in France after nearly a year of separation. Beyond the enchanting architecture of Paris, the delectable cuisine (not to mention the pastries!), and the captivating atmosphere that I had missed, the most extraordinary aspect was reconnecting with everyone after an extended period. Witnessing my cousin's baby added a unique and memorable touch to the joyous occasion.

This year also signifies the commencement of my PhD expedition. If you had told me five years ago that I would be pursuing a PhD, especially in this particular field, I would have found it hard to believe. Transitioning from a bachelor's degree in marketing to pursuing two master's degrees—one in neuroscience and another in psychology—and now delving into research on sugar addiction, its comorbidities, and exploring interventions using technology, has been a remarkable evolution. The journey ahead is filled with excitement and promise!

Despite the numerous positive aspects that 2023 brought, it also presented its fair share of challenges. Extended hospital stays for family members, my cat requiring two major surgeries, and the recurrence of a second stroke in one family member were among the difficult moments. The year was not without its hardships, even though I feel fortunate to have encountered a multitude of positive experiences.


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